Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people.

ASD is characterised by impairments in:

  • Reciprocal Social Interaction
  • Social Communication
  • Social imagination and Social Understanding
  • and Stereotyped behaviour, restricted interests or marked resistance to context changes are a common picture.
  • Unusual sensitivity to sensory stimuli is
  • common.
  • Co-morbidity and dual diagnosis are often
  • seen in people with autism.

Diagnostic Guidelines

Gold standard diagnostic practice for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network

National Institute for Health & Care Excellence

Please contact on:

01561 320885

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Who we work with

  • Individuals 
  • NHS & local authorities
  • Criminal Justice Departments
  • Employers 
  • Voluntary sector 
  • Families & carers
autism consultant scotland